Characteristics of Successful Dynamic Team

Jonathan Chandra
3 min readJun 7, 2021
Photo by Spikeball on Unsplash

This article is made for the Software Project course assignment, Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Indonesia

To achieve the goal of the team, first thing to do is build a good team dynamic. If we don’t have a good dynamic, it will be hard to achieve the goal because the team is not in the best condition, poor teamwork, and not in positive state. So what is team dynamic? What is the criteria of good team dynamic? I will explain those things in this article.

What is Team Dynamic?

Team dynamic describes the behavioral relationships between the members of a team. The dynamic between them includes the interaction, communication and cooperation with each other. Team dynamic also describes how well the team is able to do these things directly influences what it can accomplish.

Characteristics of Good Team Dynamic

  1. Shared Purpose
    Everyone on the team must have same purpose that they want to achieve. If they do have the same purpose, each individual will motivated and support each other to achieving that goal.
  2. Trust and Openness
    Team member should feel safe to share information and ideas without fear of punishment or embarrassment. If each member of the team feel that way, it can improve the communication that leads to better ideas and more creativity. Each member should trust the others to complete their own tasks so they can focus on their own tasks and the team become more productive.
  3. Willingness to Correct Mistakes
    To get result that you want, a productive team must establish the appropriate processes for measurement and evaluation. If your work is not resulting as they should be than you need to fix your work until you get the result that you want.
  4. Diversity and Inclusion
    A good team need to be open for different thoughts and idea so it can think what is the best idea that should be use to solve a problem.
  5. Interdependence and a Sense of Belonging
    Each team member should know why they are part of the team. They should understand their value, responsibility, and have sense of belonging to the team. If a team member doesn’t have a sense of belonging, they can become unmotivated and doesn’t care about the team and leave their tasks and it’s not good because it will reduce the team productivity.
  6. Consensus Decision Making
    Harnessing the power of the team can result in innovative and out-of-the-box solutions. Having more people involved in decision making can channel the creative power of multiple minds. There will be some people who dominate the discussion, so make sure that the discussion and decision making is not hold under peer pressure.
  7. Participative Leadership
    The leader of the team need to let the team members do things in their way. Instead of controlling the other member, the leader should have just provide them resources, guidance, and information.

Team Dynamic on My Software Project Course Group Project

I think that my group project already have a pretty good team dynamic. Each of us trust each other that we will finish our own tasks. The good thing is each of us already know each other for 2 years so the communication is very good and open to each other. We also supporting each other by giving an information or a solution to each other problem. There are nothing to hide in my group, if we feel not comfortable, we express it, we talk about it and solve it together. Until now, my group always done all tasks in every sprint and the result is amazing and as we expected.


Team dynamic is very important when it comes to a group that want to achieve some goals. I think team dynamic is the foundation of the teamwork that will lead the team to achieve their goal. If your team dynamic is not good enough from the start, you should fix it and improve it. If you don’t fix it, then your team is going nowhere.

That’s about it for this article, I hope this article helps you to understand more about team dynamic and you can start build your team dynamic so you can achieve your team’s goal. Thank you!


